Three men wandering along the Wolves’ Path

An interesting and constructive Conference on the Wolves’ Path 2.0 was held at… Savelli Castle in Palombara Sabina!
11 Ottobre 2019
A young lone trekker on the Wolves’ Path … an experience to share
16 Ottobre 2019

Paraphrasing the writer Jerome k. Jerome, English writer of the second half of the nineteenth century of amusing books like “Tre Uomini in Barca” and “Tre Uomini a Zonzo” which we suggest you read and also suitable for boys, we like this time, accompany this trio, with our brief reflections accompanied by ‘bookish’ suggestions … of the most disparate!

A good start to the adventure with the hope that your notebooks and travel diaries will be filled with curious, interesting and rich pages, and that, in rereading them, later in the days to come, they will make you remain with a distant and thinking look …
