CAI Signposts
694c, 696a, VL8b
18.7 km (11.62 miles)
very demanding
Max Altitude
729 m (2391.73 ft.)
1300 (4265.09 ft.)
1767 m a.s.l. (5797.24 ft.)
Crossed protected areas
Park of Simbruini Mountains
…………………… – Park of Simbruini Mountains
Watercolour by Giampiero Pierini

After taking the public service bus connecting Trevi nel ​​Lazio to Filettino – a delightful touristic village in the Upper Aniene Valley – one can start to walk following the directions of 694c path, which leaves the provincial road from the upper part of the village and climbs back gradually, (mainly along the watershed) towards the Passage of Serra S. Antonio.
Arriving at the Curva Femia, where there are several residential homes, one takes the 696a heading to the right towards the perennial Source of Moscosa. From there, heading east, you will pass a short slope on a dirt road, cross an awesome clearing and face a steep and longer climb until you will be on the very panoramic ridge near a sacred aedicula (small shrine).
Here you will leave the path that continues on the ridge and you will take the path with slopes, downhill, very demanding for the legs, which draws the steep slopes of one of the sides of the wide Val Roveto, where many meters below are the village of Meta and then the arrival in La Grancia and Morino.
Only near the village of Meta you will leave the forest; and to reach La Grancia and eventually Morino, one often walks on dirt roads and others for kilometers without losing great  elevation gradient.