CAI Signposts
309, 308
14.5 km (9 miles)
demanding hike
Max Altitude
661 m (2168. 64 ft.)
761 m (2496.72 ft.)
1247 m a.s.l. (4091.21 ft.)
Crossed protected areas
Park of Lucretili Mountains
……………………….. – Park of Lucretili Mountains
Watercolour by Giampiero Pierini

The Northern Branch of the Wolf’s Path with its two legs is a proposal to get people to know the northern part of the Park of Lucretili Mountains.
The journey starts from the town hall square in Poggio Moiano, near the theater, following the indications of Park signpost No. 309. After quite a long descent that passes in front of the accommodation structures, one continues uphill, both on concrete and dirt roads, up to an open space with a water trough. A few meters above, on the left, the path goes on into the woods. The walk is going to be quite challenging until you will arrive at the high meadows near Monte Pendente, around 1000 m a.s.l. (3280.84 ft.)!
Once you have reached the first important peak (Cima Casarene), there will be two more kilometers descending on a gentle slope.
The descent, down to Colle Jaffarina, mostly located on the watershed, turns pleasant and with many open spaces that allow you to enjoy the panorama.
Pianoro delle Pratarelle, at the end of signpost No. 309, is a pleasant place, where you will have the chance to fill your water bottles, even if the trough is situated a bit outside of the path.
To reach the characteristic village of Orvinio, one follows the signpost No. 308, with a first part on a secondary mountain road and then on a path, up to the meadows near the inhabited area.