CAI Signposts
15.9 km (9.88 miles)
Max Altitude
599 m (1965.22 ft.)
1023 m (3356.3 ft.)
1884 m a.s.l. (6181.1 ft.)
Crossed protected areas
National Park of Abruzzi, Latium and Molise
………………….. – Park of Abruzzi, Latium and Molise
Watercolor by Giampiero Pierini

With this Step, – part of the new sector introduced in the Wolf’s Path – you can end the trek by arriving at Civitella Alfedena, if you have chosen to continue from Pescasseroli through the eastern branch, or you can proceed clockwise on the ring, crossing and discovering many areas of the National Park.
From Passo Godi you skirt the regional road (SR 479 Sannite) for about 600 m heading to Villetta Barrea and then you take a dirt road on the left, and after a very short descent you will meet a sign, indicating that we have started the path H1, and you cross a stream. One starts to climb up gradually, and we face two hairpin turns not far from the edge of the woods.
Further, the easy dirt road climbs sinuously following the rough, extended and wooded western slopes (photo) of the long mountain ridge of Serra di Rocca Chiarano up to Stazzo dell’Affogata, in the high altitude prairies.
The descent – which is going to be very long – will cross in the upper part diagonally to the left two wide grassy slopes, interspersed with a short beech wood. A more intense descent will follow with several zigzags, always in open air.
In the next large meadow the path will continue crossing to the right and entering into the wood, where you will walk for a while. The vegetation thins out and we descend again on hairpin turns, with a greater alternation of clearings and beech woods.
Being now at low altitudes, walking along a left diagonal line, we will reach Villetta Barrea.